Friday, March 27, 2009

Why do we say SORRY?

Why do we say sorry? Is it because we really admit our faults? Or is it because we don’t want to have prolonged talks and arguments?

I opted to several days of silence. Days of analyzing myself and the situation. I’m thinking if I’ve just been so emotional or I just had enough. I believe that some arguments can be put in place without having to talk about it. I mean it can be better without even dealing with it. It gets better on itself. But there comes a time when you feel that you’ve had enough. That it’s time that your feelings should be taken cared of more cautiously.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Unloading a Heavy Heart

I miss Jesus…

Lately, I realized, I am not praying often as I ought to. I feel guilty. And I’m sorry for it.

And I miss HIM. When I don’t have someone to turn to, I turn to HIM. And He is there, listening. I know because every time I do so, I feel my heart lightened. As if a heavy load were taken away from it.

I cry a lot the past few days. Even the slightest tinge of emotion that will bother my heart, I let myself cry. For me, I am not weak when I choose to do that. It is something that has become a part of me. Crying has been my friend for the longest time. But it’s not a sign of weakness for me. It’s being able to unload yourself of something that you can’t express. It’s a means of pouring out the toxics and negativity locked inside your heart.